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01-09-2021 பூலித்தேவன் புகழ்வணக்கம் | தமிழ்த்தேசியப் போராளி தமிழரசன், தங்கை அனிதா நினைவேந்தல்

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நாம் தமிழர் கட்சி – அதிகாரப்பூர்வ காணொளிகள் | செந்தமிழன் சீமான் காணொளிகள்

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  1. Harish K

    You should have completely avoided talking about KT Raghavan… don’t try answering every question, try to choose your battle… how long you will keep talking like this, if you want to move to next step in politics show more difference and maturity in your interviews. I’m from your party but you need to start reinventing yourself.

  2. Kiruban Simhapatha

    Just a comment to my dear Tamilnadu people. If someone is doing a press meet, don’t crowd behind the person who is giving the press meet. This mentality to get publicity has to be changed. I can’t say this to Dravidian parties and also their supporters but for NTK we should lead by example and this is one of them. Thank You.

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